Thursday, November 14, 2013

Welcome the the Accelerated World

Accel World features a full-dive video game which stage is the real world, only modified for battle purposes. This following section is going to be me capriciously describing the 2 main characters of Accel World with some background information. If interested, go read the light novels here and watch the anime here. The anime stops at the end of Volume 4 in the light novels.

Haruyuki Arita (Haru) - [Silver Crow]

Haru is the main protagonist of Accel World, initially having low self-esteem until he meets Kuroyukihime due to bullying by a few kids as well as his weight. His avatar in Accel World is "Silver Crow," and it turns out that he has the first and only avatar that can fly. He joins Kuroyukihime's reborn "Nega Nebulous" faction. Unlike Linton from Wuthering Heights, after a pretty girl appeared to try and help him, perhaps even loving him, he reached out and accepted her hand instead of treating her like crap and continuing to wallow in his own misery.

Silver Crow

Kuroyukihime - [Black Lotus]

Kuroyukihime is the main female protagonist of Accel World, befriending Haru after she realizes his potential in video games and making him one of the members of her reborn faction: "Nega Nebulous." She is one of the 7 kings of pure color, but was in exile at the beginning of the novel due to a complicated series of events leading up to her killing the old Red King after a treaty was formed. She is insanely powerful, being one of the only eight Level 9 Burst Linkers of all time (seven currently, as she killed the old Red King).

Black Lotus

If you can get past the fact that the main character is significantly overweight, then you see that Accel World is a masterpiece of a creation, containing a vast and complex world with diverse characters that are on par with or exceed Sword Art Online (They were written by the same author.) Like Wuthering Heights, the characters of Accel World are complex with diverse personalities, and the story relies heavily on the characters' interactions with each other. However, very unlike Wuthering Heights, the story's world is extremely vast - especially inside the Accelerated World in Accel World. There are also more characters, although the story focuses on developing a select group of critical characters. This creates a pleasant effect of a sophisticated plot while making it easier to get into - because it seems like a real world. I could not get into Wuthering Heights nearly as easily as I got into Accel World because I could not relate to almost any part of the story. For Accel World however, I felt like I could really empathize with the characters, and I could even be put into the world without even affecting it too much, it being so vast. There's no way that I could say this for Wuthering Heights. Being in my top 3 stories of all time and my top 10 anime series of all time, Accel World is a great gateway to a temporary haven from the all the stress and work of the purgatory known as everyday life. :)

Opening Song 1
I don't particularly like it.  :l

Ending Song 1

Opening Song 2

Ending Song 2

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